Portable Goat Sheds
Portable Tack Room Barns
Portable Hay Feeders
Pre-fab Barns
Portable Run-In Sheds
Do your animals have proper shelter from the upcoming winter weather? Be sure your animals are protected from the harsh winter elements. Check our wide variety of portable animal barns and sheds including Horse Barns, Run-In Sheds, Goat Sheds, Chicken Coops, Outdoor Dog Kennels, built with quality at an affordable price. Our barns and sheds are all versatile with many custom options and many sizes available to fit each individuals needs. Call us today and we can assist you in making sure your building is suitable for you and more importantly for your animals.
KT Custom Barns LLC Portable Barns Construction in Millersburg OH
suitable for all types of animals
Powder Coated Stall Fronts