KT Custom Barns LLC Portable Barns Construction in Millersburg OH
You may contact us by filling out the form listed on our Contact page or by phone at 330.893.3500, with any questions, quotes and orders or if you would like a brochure and price-list mailed or emailed directly to you.
Additional Options available on our Walk-In Chicken Coops Include:
QUALITY PORTABLE CHICKEN COOPS... Our walk-in chicken coops are one of our most popular structures, with the versatility and design you will quickly see why. Our walk-in chicken coops come in several different sizes with many custom options and sizes available! Some of our most popular options available include the Feed Room Wall, you can add the feed room wall making access and chores easy to care for your chickens. Another popular option is our Attached Run, making it an essential need if outdoor roaming space is limited or when predators are a concern, it will keep your chickens safe from predators while feeding on natures food and basking in the sun, both being important for healthy chickens and eggs. Our Egg Collecting Door is another great option to add to our chicken coops, making egg collecting easy from the outside of the chicken coop.
Our chicken coops are all built to last a long time and won't fall apart when the first strong wind sweeps in. They are very portable with our steel corner brackets or pre-drilled holes in skids for ropes or chains to move with your riding lawn mower or ATV.
Our walk-in chicken coops are delivered fully constructed ready for same day use unless specified otherwise.
Delivery is available on all our coops.
KT Custom Barns offers a wide variety of barns and sheds so be sure to check out the rest of our site.
Standard Features and Additional Options on our Walk-In Chicken Coops are listed below.
Standard Features on our Walk-In Chicken Coops Include: