KT Custom Barns LLC Portable Barns Construction in Millersburg OH
You may contact us by filling out the form on our contact page or by phone at 330.893.3500, with any questions, quotes or orders. Or to request a brochure and price-list mailed or emailed directly to you.
Standard Features on the Hay Feeders Include:
QUALITY, PORTABLE, OUTDOOR HAY FEEDER... At KT Custom Barns we build these portable, outdoor hay feeders that you can set out in your pasture designed to protect your hay while your animals free choice feed. These outdoor hay feeders are great for a variety of animals especially cattle and horses.
These hay feeders have a roof designed to keep your hay dry and shade/shelter for your animals while they feed without the danger of bashing their heads against the roof. Our hay feeders also have a floor in it to keep your hay off the ground to reduce wastage and keeping your hay fresh down to the last bite.
Our 6x6 Hay Feeder perfectly holds 1 round bale of hay.
With the ability for your horses to access the hay in the hay feeder at all angles promotes safe feeding for a group of horses while minimizing squabbles. Our outdoor hay feeders are portable while sturdy enough to keep your horses from shifting or tipping them. Call us today to order yours!
KT Custom Barns offers a wide variety of animal and garden/yard barns so be sure to visit the rest of our site.
Standard features and additional options on our outdoor hayfeeders are listed below