KT Custom Barns LLC  Portable Barns Construction in Millersburg OH

6' Horse & Cattle Feeder

4' Sheep & Goat Feeder 

6' Feeders are also available. Call for Custom Sizes

Fiberglass Farm Supplies

Round Bale sliding feeder

Lamb Creep Feeder

4' Calf Feeder 

6' Feeders are also available. Call for Custom Sizes

Goat Milking & Grooming Stand

Livestock Box

Available sizes Including but not limited to; 4'x4 & 4'x5' & 4'x6'

A new addition to our product line are these fiberglass farm supplies, including but not limited to... gates, square hay feeder, round bale hay feeder, livestock box, lamb creep feeders, sheep and goat feeder, calf feeder, sheep and calf over the fence feeder (with or without grain slot), horse and cattle feeder, trough feeder and line bunk feeder. You can call to check our inventory and pick-up an in-stock item the same day or put in a custom order whether you want a custom size or a complete custom product. Quotes are always free. 

You may contact us by filling out the form listed on our contact page or by phone at 330.893.3500, with any questions or orders. Or to request a brochure and price-list mailed directly to you.

You can also download our fiberglass price-list below.

8' Sheep & calf over the fence feeder

Available sizes Including but not limited to; 4', 6', & 10'