KT Custom Barns LLC Portable Barns Construction in Millersburg OH
Steel Gate (Red)
3' Deluxe Wood Man Door
Wood Vent 24"x36"
Steel Gate (Black)
ECONOMY MODEL (features) DELUXE MODEL (features)
Steel Framed Man Door
You may contact us by filling out the form listed on our contact page or by phone at 330.893.3500, with any questions, quotes or orders. Or to request a brochure and price-list mailed or emailed directly to you.
Standard Wood Dutch Door
4' Wood Divider Wall
Divider Wall with Grill
Metal Hay Rack (corner mount)
QUALITY PORTABLE RUN-IN SHEDS... Are your animals protected from the harsh weather? You can do so with our portable Run-In Sheds, by setting one in each of your pastures you can have the comfort of knowing your animals are comfortable and protected when harsh weather arises. Our Run-In Sheds are perfect for all kinds of animals whether you have horses, ponies, cattle, llamas, alpacas, goats etc...
Here at KT Custom Barns our specialty is all the different options available to customize your Run-In Shed that will fit yours and your animals' needs. If you need additional weather protection you can add our hinged lean-to to your shed and/or enclose your Run-In Shed with gates or doors. We offer several options on doors for our Run-In Sheds to better accommodate your needs. Some of these include but are not limited to: dutch doors, slider doors, metal gates, and wood gates. Some add additional protection from harsh weather and others offer your animals more freedom to the outdoors. You can order your shed with wood or steel siding for a maintenance free option.
KT Custom Barns offers a wide variety of animal barns and sheds so be sure to check out our other portable structures.
Standard Features and Extra Options on our Portable Run-In Sheds are as listed below
Wood Gate
Corner Grain Feeder
Steel Framed Wood Vent 24"x36"
Steel Powder Coated Window Grill
Wood Grain and Hay Manger
Metal Hay Rack (flat mount)
Slider Door
4' Deluxe Wood Dutch Door
Additional Options Available to add to the Run-In Sheds:
Steel Framed Dutch Door
3' Standard Wood Man Door
18"x27" Aluminum Window
Vinyl Man Door
Standard Features on Run-In Sheds Include: